Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Awake At The Wall

So many swirling thoughts on the news lately. Scooter Libby's trial, carbombs in Iraq wiping out 80 people in one go, Republican politicians claiming that anything but tucking your nose firmly into Bush's ass cleft and staying in Iraq until the Good Lord returns and takes us all home is traitorous, kidnapped children returning after 4 years and then Bill O'Shite claiming the boy enjoyed being taken from his family and raped, 4 random people shot in a mall in Utah, polar bears drowning, and on and on.

It kind of makes one want to turn off all that noise and static. It's a constant, 24-hour cycle of soul-crushing factota. Maybe that's their sinister plan? Are "they" trying to bombard the attentive citizen with so much horseshit that one has no choice but to lower the blast shields, pour a Jack Daniels, and use the "force" to get you through the night?

The ongoing Libby trial has shown that the Bush administration was behind the outing of Valerie Plame. Where is the outrage? Bush said anyone involved would be out of his cabal, I mean, administration, so now that we have sworn testimony that Rove and Cheney were involved, why are they still here? Further, what does it take to impeach someone these days?

Every time I sit down to write something, it gets a little overwhelming. I blame this culture of evil perpetuated by the Bush clones.