Friday, September 01, 2006

Hey Rumsfeld: Suck It!

Do you feel sad for the mummy? Keith Olbermann delivered one of the most impassioned, articulate and deadly accurate excoriations of Rumsfeld's poisonous leadership. It's been the talk of the liberal pussy Hollywood town I willfully live in. If you haven't watched this yet, here's the link, from Crooks And Liars.

Keith Olbermann is the sort of person that makes the GOP sheep tremble in fear. If you've been losing faith in journalism, KO might restore some faith.

That stinking rotting corpse on two legs, the undead Rumsfeld "reached out" to top Democrats in Congress in a letter trying to mollify them for remarks comparing war protestors (or those opposed to Bush's shitheadedness) to the appeasers of the Nazis. The Democrats' response? Suck it, Rummy. Read it here. They are planning a no-confidence vote to force his resignation.

Just keep it together, Democrats, all the way to the November elections. We regain the House, make gains in the Senate, and then we impeach Bush & Cheney, force Rumsfeld to resign, throw Bolton to the wolves, toss Wolfowitz to the boltons (eh?), and instigate criminal charges against this gang.

Unless Osama Bin Laden shows up right before the election... What a split decision that would be! Obviously we all want him brought down but can you imagine the GOP crowing about it? YIkes.