Saturday, October 16, 2004

Jon Stewart on Crossfire ---
The Comedy Central host appears as a guest on the Paul Begalia / Tucker Carlson "debate" show, which you can download and view, here: . Jon Stewart decided not to be an entertaining monkey and took the 2 hosts to task. He cites them for being nothing but "partisan hacks" and admonishes them for their failure to act as responsible media for us, the public. In other words, Jon Stewart was gutsy and courageous. What he said really, truly needed saying.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

"Terror Alert Level" Nothing But Partisan Ploy ---

A Cornell sociologist has found scientific evidence that every time the Terror Alert Level is upgraded, Bush's approval rating sees a jump as well. Read about it in the Washington Post. Repeat: scaring the nation that a terrorist attack is imminent has been proven to be nothing but a cheap, dispicable tactic to get Bush a few extra points in the polls. This is your government, change it.