Friday, January 30, 2004

Another Reason To Dump Bush
It appears that the Christian Coalition (although they ignore the actual teachings of Christ, who espoused equality, peace, poverty, humility, service to your neighbors, and above all else, loving thine enemies) and various other religiously motivated groups are being stoked to become the footsoldiers in the 2004 election. Read it here, again, from that compromised lapdog of the foreign Communist leaders, the BBC. The reporter talked to a family in Georgia who think Bush's phony evangelical beliefs will save this country from slipping backwards into the slime of homosexuality, premarital sex, drug use, satan worship, and probably organic vegetables as well. At the end of the story, they talk with David Sapp (no pun), the pastor for an African-American church in Atlanta.

He [Sapp] is convinced that the Christian Coalition is compromising the word of the gospel, in campaigning on behalf of Republican candidates.

"You look at the leaflets they have sometimes put on cars in our parking lot during services, about peoples' positions on issues. When the churches become a partisan voting bloc, we compromise our freedom," he says.

"You wind up accepting an influence on the church, that I don't think is healthy," he adds.

Hallelujah for Brother Sapp! ("Hallelujah," by the way, means "He is risen," which was the phrase used to mean you don't have to submit to corrupt worldly demagoguery anymore. Whenever you hear of institutional injustice, that is exactly what "hallelujah" destroys.)
Hubble To Get A Reprieve
Maybe NASA won't throw away a $200 Million space telescope after all. Read it here, BBC News. It looks like the telescope might get resupplied on one of the shuttle missions planned to go to the ISS. The Hubble has been one of the most successful NASA projects, alongside the Apollo program.
BBC Director Says Hutton Report Is Bullshit
Departing BBC Director Greg Dyke, who resigned after Lord Hutton's inquiry into whether the reports of Iraqi WMD were "sexed-up" came back positive, has now gone public saying that the Hutton document is a whitewash. Read it here, ironically, from the BBC News. The BBC has long been the most independent and rigorous news organization in the world. Hutton's report basically indicts the BBC from the lowest to the highest, criticizing everything from its news gathering to its reportage style to its impartiality. But of course it all ends up completely exonerating Tony Blair. Which side are you on boys, do you believe that Bush and Blair were just mislead about Iraqis being able to deliver nuclear or biological death on Britons in 45 minutes, or do you think that they were going to war no matter what and wanted the flimsiest of evidence dressed up on rags of respectibility? That's a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer.
Georgia Bigot Wants "Evolution" Stricken
The State Superintendent of Schools of Georgia wants that scary, anti-Christian word "evolution" to be scuttled in favor of "changes over time." This isn't a joke, you can read it here. I love people who need to display their religious piety. It's this lovely sentiment that allows people to kill doctors at health clinics, to put bombs in the Pubs frequented by Protestants, to arm teenagers with explosives and have them get on buses in Israel and murder strangers, and for women to be shot to death on soccer pitches in places like Afghanistan. Thank you all for your love of religion.
So let's see what's happening in the world today...

Bush Refuses To Back Inquiry Into Iraq Intel Probe
This shouldn't be shocking to anyone, because if Bush did go ahead and allow an independent inquiry to take place they'd have his head. Read it here. You can't order your intelligence branches to lie and sex-up intel that says Iraq has WMD so that you and your Oil buddies can go to War, and then let that info out, can you? That wouldn't help in the election. Bush says he wants to know everything...but then refuses to allow any information from being gathered. All right, show of hands: is there anyone who now believes anything coming out of Bush's mouth? Anyone? Bueller?

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Suicide Blast Kills 10 In Jerusalem
Israel and Palestine have begun an exchange of prisoners, and to mark this positive development, a Palestinian cop blew himself up on a public bus, killing 10 people. Read it here, NY Times. If anyone ever says that the Palestinians are fighting a legitimate war, they should be reminded that blowing up random people is an act of cowardice. Of course there should be some sort of state for the Palestinian people, but it appears more likely every day that what the Palestinians really want, is what they say they want, and that is the total destruction of Israel. It is subhuman to instruct people to kill Israeli women because they will give birth to more Israelis. When you kill innocent people, randomly, indiscriminately, I don't give a fuck about your problems or your cause. Americans, as champions of the sanctity of human life (ahem) cannot support the Palestinian terrorist groups. They are not like us. Their beliefs are anathema to our civilization. Now is the time for all good Palestinians to take to the streets and denounce these callous murderers. I have hope that enough Palestinians are appalled at these horrific murders that they will form an overwhelming majority that can bring peace to the region. Because, face it, the Israelis are here now and you're can't have "your" land back.
Bush: Divorced From Reality, Paranoid, Bizarre
Maureen Dowd's new Op/Ed piece in the NY Times, here, calls for the Bush White House to dump Cheney immediately. She pieces together a cogent argument, fueled by Chief Weapons Inspector David Kay's resignation, that:

Dick Cheney, who declared that Saddam had nuclear capability and who visited C.I.A. headquarters in the summer of 2002 to make sure the raw intelligence was properly interpreted, is sticking to his deluded guns. (And still trash-talking those lame trailers.)

Those like Cheney, that believe our "reasons" for going to war in Iraq can shift, morph and reverse themselves without consequence because we "should" be fighting "the war there instead of here," have subverted democracy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Democrats In Arms
Tomorrow is the Democratic caucus for New Hampshire. The previous caucus saw Howard Dean dropping to third, John Kerry emerging as the winner, and Dick Gephardt packing it in, again. I've been backing Howard Dean this whole time and I'm nervous about tomorrow. If Dean does not finish strong (first or second) many will consider his run over. I think he brings an honesty and devotion to the working class that has been entirely absent under that deluded buffoon Bush. Come on New Hampshire, vote for Dean! Maybe Kerry and Edwards have the inside track because they've been, well, insiders for so long, but Dean really does have the grassroots fired up. He isn't a creature created by polls and soundbites. I'm still for Dean, but at the end of the day, I will vote for anyone other than Bush. Good luck, Dr. Dean.