Monday, November 14, 2005

Angry Monkey Alert!

Bush's press conference today, where he "blasted" Democrats for calling bullshit on him, looks more like a frightened, confused little monkey hurling its own feces from its cage. The photos of Bush only need a banana or two Photo Shopped in to complete the effect. Is this finally the turning point? New reports in the press hint that Cheney is now on the outs with Chimpy. The BBC reported that because Cheney had set up his own apparatus independent of Bush, the disgrace of Scooter "Leaky" Libby has brought the other Bush aides in line against Cheney. So Chimpy is out there almost all by himself, only Condi is by his side. You should read the recent article in the Atlantic about Brent Scowcroft, former mentor to Rice, in much the same way that Dr. Frankenstein was the "mentor" to the Monster. Still, one can only hope that the wheels are finally coming off the Bush(it) Express. Next stop? Impeachment!