Sunday, July 02, 2006

Iraq: We Are So Fucked

Hmm, let's see, which of the following statements is untrue?

1. The Iraqis will greet us as liberators.
2. The insurgency is in its last throes.
3. We have to fight the terrorists in Iraq so we don't fight them here.

Answer? All three are untrue.

To add to the growing glory of our impeccable reign in Iraq, last week a platoon of US soldiers raped an Iraqi girl then murdered her and her family, single-handedly demolished every last shred of good will we had engendered in our nation-building imbroglio. The wire services report that American soldiers cased an Iraqi family in a city south of Baghdad for a week,then broke into their home, raped the girl, burned her body to "cover up" the crime, and finished it off by slaying the other three members of her family, one of which was a child.

Spin this, you motherfuckers.

What's Brit Hume, Tony Snow, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly got to say about this? Will Rush say it's just another example of frat boy hijinks, like he said when the Abu Ghraib atrocities were finally brought to light?

It's over, folks. We have to get out of Iraq, now. We have had over 2,500 US soldiers killed and somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 Iraqis killed. And for what? To "fight terror?" That's ridiculous. This must be repeated: Iraq and Hussein had nothing to do with the September 11th attacks. Nothing.

The ones who were responsible, the Taliban in Afghanistan, are back in control of the country. We have abandoned the people of Afghanistan and have allowed those evil Taliban fucks to take over again. Heroin production is at record high levels, for those of you who are junkies out there, and you can thank Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld for the flow of horse.

As a footnote, this war debacle in Iraq has cost the US taxpayers nearly a trillion dollars now. That's like maxing out every credit card offer you ever got and suddenly, next month, the bill is due with a staggering interest payment. Goodbye and good luck to your future.