Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Bush Stalls CIA Report On 9-11, Nation Loses
In today's Robert Scheer column, Mr Scheer relates a recent convo with a high level intelligence officer, who asserts "It is infuriating that a report which shows that high-level people were not doing their jobs in a satisfactory manner before 9/11 is being suppressed," an intelligence official who has read the report told me, adding that "the report is potentially very embarrassing for the administration, because it makes it look like they weren't interested in terrorism before 9/11, or in holding people in the government responsible afterward."

Remember that Bush fought the forming of the 9-11 Commission, then withheld funding for it to prevent its investigation, then refused to testify, then agreed to "chat" with the commission but no one could record or take notes, and insisted Dick Cheney be present in case he misremembered his lines. This alone should disqualify Bush from a second term.

This doesn't even touch on the probable truth that the plane that went down in the field was headed for the White House and was shot down. That's right. Those people died to save a building.
Mad Cow USA !!!
Mad Cow isn't just for breakfast anymore. In the Washington Post today, an article by Cindy Skrzycki reports that "...the Food and Drug Administration is addressing how the disease, formally known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, might be transmitted through cosmetics, soaps, dietary supplements and certain food items, such as sausage casings." Even if you don't eat beef, you should know that "... a bovine is behind many beauty products and foods that might not be thought of as beef-based, such as candy, yogurt, cake mixes, mayonnaise and soups. The small intestine, for instance, is the only way to make some natural sausage casings."