Thursday, June 03, 2004

Tenet Resigns
George Tenet announced his resignation in a surprise conference today. He cited "personal reasons" for quitting his job as head of the CIA. It's a good thing those reasons were "personal" and had nothing at all to do with the fact that Tenet presided over a total fucking debacle and his CIA were so fucked up they allowed Bush and his army of nutjobs to go in to the Middle East and knock the place over, like a strong arm robbery at a liquor store, to appease their messianic longings. Good thing Tenet did not feel any culpability in this gigantic fiasco in Iraq that has consumed all our surplus tax dollars and has begun the bankruptcy (both moral and budgetary) of this country. See ya later Tenet, good riddance to bad trash!
Dump Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh is played on American Forces Radio daily to our military personnel. That's so Americans abroad won't get homesick for racist jingoism, fascist sloganeering, or relentless calumny against opposing viewpoints. You know, the stuff of debate. Calling the torture of Iraqi prisoners "nothing worse than fraternity pranks" is either a complete moron talking or its disingenuous to the point of being complicit in the crimes. Hell, lynching them boys in the south wasn't nothing more than some good ol' boys havin' a little fun too. But you know what? Limbaugh isn't news. He doesn't have a politically dexterous mind, able to discuss nuance. He's a blowhard. Dump him from this tax payer supported radio: here, in association with Act For Change. Basically he's a stupid fat fucking cunt who's addiction to hillbilly heroin should render him a laughingstock and total embarassment. Anyone who still pays attention to this gaseous lardass if completely fucked up.