Saturday, January 15, 2005

Hooray For Frank Rich

NY Times Arts columnist Frank Rich has penned a mighty condemnation of the recent scandal around shitweasel Armstrong Williams and the $240,000 Williams was paid by the White House (via Dept. Of Education)to shill for Bush's "No Child Left Behind" scheme. Read the full article at NY Times, here. You must register, but do it already, it's worth it. This scandal is significant because it shows the Bush administration using taxpayer money for covert propaganda, which is clearly illegal. Is this the tip of the iceberg? Are there many more "journalists" and "pundits" being paid to mouth White House policy? Williams himself says that he "has no doubt" there are many more like him.

This isn't Russia, Danny. Is this Russia?
----Ty Webb "Caddyshack"

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Do We Get An Apology?

The BBC News reports that the US is quietly calling off its search for WMD in Iraq. I wonder what Bush is going to dress up as this time? That aircraft carrier flyboy stunt was cool. Maybe Bush can dress up like a clueless lying moron and then he can ride in the back of a pickup truck driven by a redneck and they can land on a gas station pump island. In the background a banner will be waving, "Mission, aw well, you know we fucking lied."