Saturday, May 29, 2004

94% Income Tax During WWII
Wonder why America is in debt up to our ears? Because we're spending all of our capital on fighting an unending war. This article, here, from Tom, by Sam Pizzigati, shows the difference between "the greatest generation" and our own. The generation in charge of Washington these days has already been accurately dubbed, "a generation of swine," by Hunter S. Thompson. Check out these shocking facts:

All Americans were asked to pay more in taxes during World War II, and the wealthy were asked to pay the most of all, more in taxes than any Americans had ever before paid. In 1943, America’s most affluent households faced a 93 percent tax rate on all their income over $200,000. The next year, 1944, the nation’s top tax rate would rise even higher, to 94 percent on income over $200,000—the highest rate in American history.

Friday, May 28, 2004

This Week
What the fuck happened this week? I've been working 12 hour days and haven't had a chance to read the news, review a record, or even go to the post office! Did I miss anything?

Monday, May 24, 2004

Depleted Uranium Affects US Troops
This story from the In These Times website, shows that US soldiers returning from duty in Iraq are suffering the effects of uranium poisoning. In the past year, the Army and Air Force have fired over 127 tons of DU (depleted uranium) shells in Iraq. The DU shells lose 40 to 70 percent of their mass on impact, turning the radioactive uranium into fine dust that contaminates the soil and is carried by the wind. Question: when we're done liberating Iraq, who will help them clean up this toxic mess?