Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Mouse Created With No Father
Japanese researchers have succeeded in creating mice using only female chromosomes. Read about it here, BBC News.
Rumsfeld Caught In Huge Lie
The Pentagon deleted some key responses from Donald Rumsfeld when it posted an interview with him on its website. This was a public transcript of a meeting with Bob Woodward, whose new book "Plan Of Attack" is showing the Bush mongoloids as fanatical nutjobs bent on conquering Iraq without regard to the Constitution, law, or logic. Read about it here, from The Washington Post. The deleted comments were Rumsfeld telling an ambassador from Saudi Arabia two months before the start of the war ("before" Bush had "decided" to go to war, that is) that the Saudis could "take it to the bank" that the invasion would happen. What did that slippery snake Rumsfeld say, when confronted with this latest scandal?

"To my knowledge, a decision had not been taken by the president to go to war at that meeting," Rumsfeld said. "There was certainly nothing I said that should have suggested that, and any suggestion to the contrary would not be accurate."

Rumsfeld admitted saying "take it to the bank" but said that his comments, as Defense Secretary in a military briefing showing secret maps of the attack plan to the Saudi ambassador to Washington, should not have been construed to mean what they did. Does anyone see a pattern here? The Bush administration believes that no amount of lying, or being caught lying, trumps their holy mission to plunge us into Armageddon. Every instance of malfeasance brought to light, in their eyes, is partisan politics. Don't the Bush zombies have souls, morals, consciences? To answer my own question, obviously they do not.
5 Car Bombs Kill 68 In Iraq
More terrorist violence, more innocent people murdered. Nice world. Read about it here, from The Washington Post. Bush & Co. have done a swell job, haven't they?