Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Iraq One Year Anniversary
We are nearly upon the one year anniversary of commencing hostilities in Iraq. What have we achieved? Are the Iraqis basking in peace and freedom? At what price, happiness? An article in today's New York Times suggests that much of the cost, in terms of civilian deaths, are merely being ignored. Read about it here. Because the US military does not release its figures, there is no "official" estimate of civilian deaths and casualties, but outside international groups estimate the number of civilian/innocent deaths between 4,000 and 5,000. That does not count those Iraqis who have been seriously maimed and injured. This article tells of how an Iraqi man lost his wife and three children, and in compensation, was given $5,000 and an apology from an army captain. It's an insult. Anyone interested should look up the imperialist policies of McKinley and Theo Roosevelt that netted us the Spanish-American war and the long, bitter struggle in the Philippines. It's eerily similar. It prompted Mark Twain to comment in the New York Herald:

"I bring you the stately matron named Christendom, returning bedraggled, besmirched, and dishonored from pirate raids in Kiao-Chou, Manchuria, South Africa, and the Philippines, with her soul full of meanness, her pocket full of boodle, and her mouth full of pious hypocrisies."

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Obesity Passes Smoking
Obesity is now the number one cause of preventable deaths in America, edging past smoking. Read about it here, from the Washington Post. A recent lawsuit against McDonald's was thrown out, because "personal responsibility has to start somewhere," as they argued. How about "corporate responsibility?" When a worldwide chain of "restaurants" systematically makes nutrient-poor, high fat, high cholesterol, high salt, high sugar foods and the world gobbles this crap up, doesn't the corporation bear some of the responsibility?
Easier Wiretaps
I feel sorry for our government, they don't have enough access to your personal emails or your harddrive, and it's making them very upset. They are now seeking easier access to Internet wiretaps, which should have the hairs on your neck stending up in alarm. Read about it here, from the Washington Post. Probable cause and the right to privacy are being destroyed in one fell swoop. Take out your local phone book, flip to the government pages, and call your representatives to tell them you won't stand for this. Or turn on the TV, have a Budweiser, and stay stupid, America.
Robot Racers
A recent desert race involving autonomous robotic vehicles was a mixture of successes. Some of the robot cars barely made any progress while others did pretty good, considering. None of the robots completed the 241 km course to claim $1 million in prize money. Read about it here, from the BBC News. Are you alarmed at all that DARPA sponsored this event to further research into autonomous military vehicles? SkyNet awaits!
10th Planet Discovered
The newest member to gain recognition in our Solar system is Sedna, an icy planet whirling around near Pluto. Read about it here, from the LA Times. Some dispute even Pluto's claim to planethood, but pop the champagne corks anyway. Sedna was discovered by the same Cal Tech team who discovered Quaoar two years ago.