Thursday, July 24, 2003

8000 Visitors --- Culture Bunker is about at the 8000th visitor mark, thanks for your eyeballs and thanks for fucking off at work or at school or in prison, doesn't matter, but you took the time to check us out. When the old site is taken down we'll probably do away with the counter anyway. We just wanted to show the whole 'strength in numbers' thing. Unlike some sites, our hit counter records what they call "unique IP addresses," meaning that we go up one number for each time someone is reading the site. If you log off and come back, you get another hit, just like if you were at a newsstand and picking up different mags. If you look at 5 pages, it doesn't give us 5 hits, just 1. You might look at some other sites and wonder how they got up to 100,000 so fast. Well, now you know, shmoe. Thanks for coming back.
California Total Recall --- Darryl Issa bankrolled the recent recall effort in California, plunking down $1.7 Million of his own fortune to try and get himself elected Governor. Thank you, Mr Issa, this recall effort will cost us between $30 and $35 Million. Davis won the election. Now he has a year and a half before the next election. The sour-grapes Republicans are an underhanded, sneaky, conniving bunch of motherfuckers. California law allows plebiscite, which is direct legislation emanating from a grass roots/populist movement of the people. It was not designed to be rigged by the Republican National Congress hiring pro signature gatherers from around the country.

Davis won that election. Sorry your boy Bill Simon was too boring, ignorant and imcompetent to beat Davis, but that's what happens in a democracy. Instead of waiting for the next election, the Republican Machine has decided to pin the budget deficit and energy "crisis" on Davis, although it was Enron and Bush's power buddies from Texas who gouged Californians after creating a phony energy shortage. Bush fucked us, and now his party is fucking us again.

Who's is this Issa joker? He made his fortune in car alarms, and also has dabbled in crime. Issa's rap sheet includes: violating federal election laws, possession of illegal weapons TWICE, auto theft, and "soft" money campaign violations. Read about that stuff, here. Sounds like little Issa from Vista is trying to make himself a big wheel in the Repubby machine. Thanks for sending us the bill, jackass.

This is the Republican method of "winning" elections. Is anyone surprised the RNC is doing this after the shit they pulled when GORE BEAT BUSH IN 2000? Either have the Supreme Court thwart the will of the people in Florida to install Bush, or unseat the sitting Governor by manipulating California law. Enough is enough. Now the Republican wet dreamin' lunatics are spoiling their sheets over thoughts of Arnie Schwarzenputz becoming Governor, or other deadmeat losers like Bill Simon. Face it Republicans, we aren't buying your bullshit.
Judicial Watch and Sierra Club Team Up To Fight Evil --- The right wing "charity" Judicial Watch and the pragmatic enviro group Sierra Club jointly filed suit against the US government for not handing over documents requested under the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). Read about that, here, from The Telegraph. The items handed over reveal far more than the fact that Enron and other huge Republican contributors wrote the Cheney Energy Task Force policy. These documents reveal that in March 2001 Cheney and his energy criminals were already discussing how to divide up Iraq.